Friday, September 7, 2012

A Clear Face In One Day

Hey everyone!!  I wanted to drop in real fast because 1. I haven't posted in a while and it was starting to kill me and 2. I really wanted to share this awesome product (not sponsored) that I bought recently and have found that I can't live without.  But I want to start off by saying that I recently went back to work and school from the summer and that's why I've been MIA, life is just quite crazy for me right now and when I'm not working or learning I'm sleeping or thinking about sleeping haha.  So for all of you that just went back to school or work from summer, I feel your pain.  Anyways, back to this amazing find that I recently I have pretty clear skin.  I've never suffered from acne or constant pimples but I do get a pimple or two once a month (and I'm sure you can all guess what time of the month that is) so this month when my monthly appearance of zitage came I decided to go on a search for a good remedy to clear it up and I found it.  Drum roll please......Clean and Clear Acne Spot Treatment is the bomb-dot-com ya'll.  I absolutely love this stuff and my favorite part is that it actually works.  I let my pimple (such an ugly word) get so bad that it had a huge white head and in less than 24 hours of applying this stuff the size was reduced, white head gone, healing had begun and soreness was no more.  LOVE!!  I was in breakout heaven ya'll and I'm so glad that I get to go out this weekend without ugly zits.  So I just wanted to share that with ya'll and tell you that if you suffer from breakouts you should totally try this stuff. 
